Thursday, February 3, 2011


Basic guidelines
-Regularity. To be done at the completion of every workout.
-Used to help slowly bring the heart rate back down after exercise.
-Stretches held for 15-60 seconds each, 2-4 times each side.
-Typically done from toes to head, in an organized fashion.
-Help reduce heart rate to within 20-30 heart beats of the exercisers resting heart rate.
-Tight muscles should be stretched continuously all day.
 The flexibility portion of the fitness routine serves multiple functions. When done at the end of an exercise period it provides the athlete a method to “cool down” at a slow, safe rate. The body’s temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate need to slowly drop as opposed to suddenly ending abruptly. A flexible limb or joint can handle heavier loads, strike with more force due to increased range of motion and resist injury at a much higher probability. It is obvious many of us typically “blow off” the cool down or stretching portion of our exercise routine, this should be avoided. Time should be allotted for flexibility, even to the extent of doing these drills during our “off” days to assist recovery and performance. During the flexibility portion of the workout it is also a great time to rehydrate and replenish the body with the nutrients discussed in the nutrition chapter of this manual.

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